The Mayhews are a special family.
Early in their courtship and marriage Pamela and David Mayhew agreed their lives would be best spent improving the lives of others. With this goal in view, they attended Elim Bible College to prepare for service as missionaries. Julia, their firstborn, joined the family while her parents were juggling classes, home and community responsibilities, as well as employment.
While still at college, David was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma, which he in his typical cheerful demeanor accepted as another challenge to be met with courage and faith.
Eventually the couple returned home to serve in their local community in Marine City, Michigan as opposed to the foreign mission field. Their lives have touched many others as they endeavor to always be a part of the solution rather than the problem. Dave's children fondly recall their daddy's stint as a volunteer fireman, something he unwillingly gave up due to health.
In the past several years David has undergone many cancer treatments. Some reduced the tumors and slowed the growth of the disease for a while. Some just made things worse, as in one experimental treatment that destroyed his spleen and made it's removal necessary. Finally, with no other options available, this young husband and father received a bone marrow transplant from his sister.
Role reversal became necessary due to the unplanned health issues, something both Pamela and David have accepted graciously. David has cheerfully taken primary responsibility for the home front, while Pamela acquired the training and experience necessary for employment in the medical field. She is currently employed full time as a Certified Medical Assistant and is also a full time college student working toward a nursing degree.
Although David has experienced much improved health since his bone marrow transplant, he is still more susceptible to disease due to the absence of a spleen.