Thursday, April 10, 2008

Introducing the Mayhews - A synopsis of their cancer battle

Currently, we are hosting this blog for Dave and Pam Mayhew. They have been going through a lot of struggles as a family and we are chronicling the past several weeks here.

The reason for this chronicle really has a triple purpose of:

1) To keep friends and family informed of their current struggles.

2) To provide an avenue to communicate their need, with the hope that if people are touched by their story, they would be willing to send a donation, even if it's but a dollar, to help them out.

3) To provide an avenue of encouragement, in struggles like this, prayer, heart and Grace from God are the most necessary things for survival. Please take the time to post a prayer, a comforting or encouraging thought to each days posts to help strengthen the family.

Thank you for taking the time to read their story and keep up with their ongoing struggles against cancer and its aftermath.

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