Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More Struggles

The last couple of days have found Dave taking a turn for the worse. He is struggling so much. Dave keeps spiking fevers and is still fighting staph infections. To top it off, they believe he now has a ventilator induced pneumonia. His platelets are low so they tried to give him a blood transfusion this morning. Unfortunately, they had to stop it because his body wasn't handling it well. He started spiking a fever and his blood pressure dropped.

Tomorrow, they are going to try to inject a dye in him that will attach itself to his white blood cells and then do a CT Scan. They are hoping to find out if there is some other infection that is there that they are missing. He is puzzling the doctors and we are desperate to find out what is continuing to cause all these problems.

He's been in the hospital since the week of Easter with little improvement. He seems to take a couple steps forward, followed by six back.

Pam is exhausted. Traveling back and forth to the hospital every day trying to care for him there, care for her three children and maintain everything else in between is incredibly draining. On top of this all, her baby is due in June. Please continue to pray for them as they need God's strength for today.

1 comment:

momwithbrownies said...

I've posted and will link in my side bar. Praying here.
